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Показано 406-420 из 506 сообщений
101. mmur   (20.11.2003 22:30)
..уже как то попадала сюда и сейсас как в первый раз всё смотрела..столько эмоций...всё очень жестоко, но как раз этим и красиво..очень понравилось..


100. Melty   (19.11.2003 21:19)
i really like your films! really cool atmosphere and good ideas. i hope you make many more of these :)

99. ilona   (19.11.2003 06:19)
I just watched your new video called "pustota", on newgrounds.com, and I have to say that was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I saw that a lot of people didn't understand it that well, but I interpreted it as the person in the prison had to find the key, and the other person that came to him, (the bird), wanted to keep him in there. but then the prisoner got the key and his mask was removed, and the card "665" fell in front of the bird, and so he became the prisoner and had the mask on.
I hope to see more of your work.
Good job.

98. Def   (19.11.2003 01:25)
Большое спасибо!
Получил массу эмоций! Очень понравилось!

97. Mark Tomm   (18.11.2003 19:56)

NIGER hope you die soon!!!


your Mom

96. Mark Tomm   (18.11.2003 18:55)
Jesli kto-nibut' ponjel smqsl multa "PUSTOTA", napewqte please!!!

95. Алексей   (18.11.2003 18:53)
Отличная анимация. Лично мне больше всего понравился отрывок из "День защиты детей", когда нечто с клювом заходит в электричку. И берется за поручень. Шедевр.
А из последнего мульта я себе сделал скриншот и повесил на рабочий стол картинку, на которой главный герой смотрит мне прямо в глаза (в комнате на фоне окна). С нетерпеньем жду выхода следующих мультов.

94. volodium   (18.11.2003 15:24)
очень здоровские фильмы! замечательно то, что новый каждый раз намного лучше предыдущего!

93. RusianVodka   (18.11.2003 12:17)
4uvak PUSTOTA rulit na Newgronds 1 mesta!!!!!!!!!!!!

92. REVIEWE   (18.11.2003 09:54)
I had never been introduced to such utter and disturbing realism. Such movies as yours open up ones eyes to the real world. Push us down to the underworld and open our minds to what others dare not. I throughly enjoyed your movies and encourge you to make many more to come!

91. Megapolis Shadow   (12.11.2003 16:21)
это действительно страшно.
я уже не говорю о том, что это мастерски сделано (а рука, сжимающая марлю - это вообще шедевр...).
Ответ: спасибо за отзывы!
новый фильм готов, выложу на ентой неделе!

90.   (09.11.2003 09:06)
G'day. My name is Luke. Last night I attended an exhibition of Flash animated short films in Hobart (Australia), at which two of your works were displayed. I just wanna say that I was completey inspired. Your movie 'Self-destructing organisms, vol. 6', made me sit up in my seat and stare. For me, your film captured a sense of outrage and showed the dehumanization and loss of identity created by war. Very powerful and Brilliant!!

89. Mezzanine   (02.11.2003 14:44)
мое почтение, все просто супер... жду с нетерпением последующих работ

88. Thiago Henrique   (26.10.2003 05:18)
As animaзхes de vocкs sгo doentias e muito perfeitas.


87. alexeirus   (17.10.2003 12:02)
Great stuff!
Well deserved to be showcased at FlashTV. I should even say you overhsadowed those guys by your performance. I am very proud to share same ethnic background with people like yourslef.

I would like to know a bit more about sources of your inspiration, and where you from. Love the industrial shots, looks like St-Pete a little. Is it? Love that city!

Please do not disclose my email to anyone. I would really appreciate that. Thank you!


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